Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Organisation - An Epiphany

Retro organisation - Woman's Day 1969
So I was browsing the aisles of my local large supermarket this afternoon when I noticed my heart skipped a beat everytime I saw a storage box.  In my mind I was thinking a large storage box might help organise my sewing notions & gadgets, when I had a realisation..... you could have all the boxes, cupboards, storage containers, garages, utility rooms etc but you are never going to be organised if you don't actually put things away! 

Herein lies my biggest hurdle.  Putting stuff away seems to cause some kind of mental block, it's like the mental-too-hard-basket.  I have a few of those baskets lying around the house.  I presume psychologists or organisational experts would tell you that if you have decent storage then putting things away becomes easier... well, that's the theory.  I have a small house considering there's 5 people living here (100sqm / 1076 sqf).  Storage is at a premium and we don't have a garage or basement or decent utility room.  I have many times thought about converting our roof space into attic storage but we have been also thinking about a proper second storey addition.  I have even given a very brief thought to built-in wardrobes (I have been known to loathe them preferring our beautiful-to-look-at-but-not-as-practical-antique-wardrobes)  One day.....

In the meantime, I really need to de-clutter our house.  We are starting to get to the stage where we can start giving up the baby stuff, even though I'm not 100% convinced we are done with babies yet (hubby if you are reading this please don't have a coronary).  I need to let go of those clothes that I might fit back in to one day.... maybe when I do they will be out of fashion!!

How do you organise your house?  Have you got any clever storage solutions you would like to share?

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